Full Time Family Practice Job Grand Rapids, MI


3 days ago

Posted by: Enterprise Medical Recruiting

Employer: Enterprise Medical Recruiting

Job Description

Join a physician-owned practice with an existing patient panel and hit the ground running on day one! This private, independent practice is located in the suburbs of Grand Rapids, MI, and is affiliated with the largest network of private practice physicians in Western Michigan.

Practice Highlights

  • 100 percent outpatient primary care
  • Access to clinical, operational, and financial support
  • Partnership option
  • Nationally competitive compensation plan
  • Comprehensive benefits package

About Grand Rapids, MI

Midwest friendliness is no exaggeration in Grand Rapids, which, despite being the second-largest metro area in Michigan, exudes small-town warmth. Grand Rapids has an affinity for public art, and its craft brewery scene is one of the best in the nation. A scenic spot perched on the Grand River - Michigan's longest waterway - Grand Rapids has evolved from its 19th-century roots as a hub of furniture production to the modern-day metro area that is attracting college students and young families with its healthy job market, affordable housing, and outdoor recreational activities.


Contact: Greg Basse
Email: mrpreferred@enterprisemed.com
Phone: (314) 391-4739
Web: www.enterprisemed.com

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