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Full Time Psychology Job Warner Robins, GA


14 days ago

Posted by: Defense Health Agency

Employer: Defense Health Agency

Job Description

MAJOR DUTIES 1. Serves as a Clinical Psychologist Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) for the Clinic and Behavioral Health System of Care (BHSOC) Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) program.Makes mental health diagnoses in accordance with the most recent version of the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) when differential diagnosis is required. Providesindividual and group treatment, using various modalities as clinically indicated to include briefproblem-focused interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and psychoeducational classes.Assesses acute mental health and behavioral medicine conditions in beneficiaries who present withsuch issues. Maintains appropriate documentation of patient care in accordance with current unitand hospital standard operating procedures (SOPs) and current DoD, DHA PCBH, Federal and stateregulations. Maintains performance and conduct in accordance with current unit and hospital SOPs;current DoD, DHA, Federal and state regulations; and professional ethics. Assesses and provides intervention for individuals with a wide range of chronic medical conditions,and bevioral health issues affecting medical conditions to include assessment and disposition ofbeneficiaries with acute and chronic risk. Provides treatment via targeted and efficient appointmentsfor initial and follow-up visits. Performs PCBH biopsychosocial evaluations using expert knowledge ofclinical and clinical health psychology. Conducts outpatient group classes, stress management,relaxation training, assertive/social skills training, smoking cessation training, substance abuseidentification and brief related interventions appropriate for primary care, as well as evidenced-based interventions for mastery of behavioral health conditions (e.g. anxiety, depression, posttraumatic symptoms etc.) and behavioral medicine conditions (e.g. insomnia, acute and chronicpain, diabetes, weight management etc.) as required. Participates in quality assurance activities.Provides psychological and clinical consultation to physicians, other professionals andparaprofessionals through established consultation channels. Provides feedback to Primary CareManagers (PCMs) regarding consultation findings and recommendations as directed by the currentDHA PCBH Administrative Instruction. Consults with primary care providers to select, approve, and document treatment priorities inSMART goal format. Serves as the authority on primary care psychology for the clinic. Educatesclinic staff on the principles of primary care behavioral health via trainings and briefings.Conducts meetings and conferences to review the level of care for appropriateness of treatment inprimary care and evaluate and approve referral sources. Establishes cooperative agreements amongvarious providers and clinics throughout the Military Treatment Facility (MTF). Monitors, evaluates,and approves use of community resources. Provides reports and approves consults. Uses objectivebehavioral outcome measures to evaluate progress in treatment. 2. Provides evidenced-based individual treatment and psychoeducational classes for patientsenrolled in primary care clinics. Provides expertise in human behavior as a primary care teammember and provides consultation to primary care and specialty clinic providers regardingpsychological treatment options to optimize health outcomes. Assists primary care providers withthe treatment of patients with known high-risk factors such as suicide, history of trauma, and co-occurring substance use disorders. Conducts PCBH model treatment, monitors, approves, anddocuments all treatment goals. Reviews and approves the appropriate modality of treatment foreach patient. Develops treatment processes and procedures for orientation of patients. Evaluatesinformation/education processes. Institutes changes to increase effectiveness of treatment efforts.Evaluates appropriateness of treatment goals. Determines appropriate dispositions for severe cases.Provides structure and procedures for organization of case staffing information. Establishes policiesfor case consultation. 3. Executes performance initiatives (PI) through revision of clinical standards and procedures; andperforms a variety of quality management/quality assurance (QM/QA) duties to meet the JointCommission (TJC) requirements. Evaluates clinical records and monitors all objective instrumentadministration and scoring for quality assurance. Evaluates environment of care. Monitors all riskmanagement issues and takes appropriate action. Establishes and executes performance initiatives.Works with primary care team to develop processes to increase same day warm handoffs ofpatients from the primary care provider to the BHC. Works to increase overall penetration into theenrolled clinic population by targeting common conditions with behavioral components that areamenable to BHC intervention. Performs daily activities to increase BHC clinical productivity (e.g.scrubbing PCM appointment lists, circulating in the clinic and consulting with staff, being vocal inmorning huddles etc.). Establishes and monitors objective behavioral outcome measures. Evaluatesand revises standard operating procedures. Conducts program evaluation. Consults with ancillarycare providers. Substantiates the results of crisis intervention. Reviews data provided in reports ofspecial actions. Reviews statistical data to modify program goals. Evaluates and approveseducational materials for use by clinic staff and patients. 4. Provides consultation regarding interpretation and approval of outcome measures and screeninginstruments. Develops, implements, and evaluates professional development activities, coordinatesinter and intra-departmental in-service training on PCBH related topics. Evaluates scope of practiceand makes adjustments for increased adherence and efficacy as needed. Evaluates trainingopportunities, development activities, and orientation activities. Performs other duties as assigned

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