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$12 yearly
2 months ago
Posted by: Defense Health Agency
Employer: Defense Health Agency
Job Description
POSITION DUTIES: Serves as a Nurse Anesthetist for a broad range of surgery, including the most complex performed atBlanchfield Army Community Hospital (BACH). Participates in the review and improvement of patientcare processes related to anesthesia. As an educator and anesthesia expert, provides knowledge andteaching skills to other health care professionals and paraprofessionals. The staff nurse anesthetist atBlanchfield Army Community Hospital (BACH) is a certified registered nurse anesthetist withappropriate clinical privileges approved by the BACH credential committee and granted by the Hospital Commander and considered to be a licensed independent practitioner who functions within a definedscope of practice. 1. Provides anesthesia and related services in accordance with Army and hospital regulatory, licensingand credentialing policies, and with American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Guidelines forNurse Anesthesia Practice and Code of Ethics. Responsible to the Chief, Anesthesia Section, forcomplying with current standards of anesthesia practice and care. Conducts and participates ineducational programs that improve anesthesia nursing practice. Participates and assists in theimplementation of the Anesthesia Performance Improvement Program. Performs duties as a NurseAnesthetist on-call responding to surgical emergencies on a 24 hour basis. Provides 24-hour obstetricalAnesthesia Coverage on a rotating basis. 2. Provides anesthesia care that is within the scope of practice as determined by demonstratedcompetency, working at the fullest ability of licensure and clinical privileges approved by the medicaltreatment facility (MTF). Anesthetizes patients for a broad range of surgery to include but not limited topediatric surgery; Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT); Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN); orthopedics; oralmaxillofacial surgery, and Gastrointestinal (GI) procedures. Provides obstetrical analgesia and surgicalanesthesia for operative deliveries and complications. Demonstrates competency in the following clinicalareas: pre-anesthesia preparation; anesthesia induction, maintenance, and emergence; conscious sedation;pain management; post anesthesia care; peri-anesthetic and clinical support functions; emergency airwaymanagement, Code Blue member, Code Purple Team member (post-partum hemorrhage). 3. Assumes full responsibility for all techniques, drugs, and equipment used in the administration ofanesthesia. Monitors patients' fluid loss, determines need for parenteral fluids, including plasma andblood, sets up solutions and maintains proper flow. Adjusts the administration of anesthetic agents aswell as other drugs, including stimulants, to support respiratory and circulatory functions of patients.Reviews clinical chart and recommends specific type of anesthesia; general, regional, local, and IVsedation. Directly supervises and monitors the quality of anesthesia care administered by the studentnurse anesthetists; assists the Chief, Anesthesia Section, in monitoring and evaluating anesthesia careprovided by reserve nurse anesthetists and peers. Instructs Physician Assistant (PA), Special Forces, andParamedic/Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) students on airway management and intubation.Functions in administrative/managerial capacity by: assigns operative cases; provides anesthesia for allscheduled cases as well as daily rotating 24-hour anesthesia coverage for emergency procedures; reviewsjob description, competencies and scope of practice; performs user-level equipment maintenance;maintains adequate stock levels; participates in anesthesia staff meetings; participates in hospitalcommittees; educates hospital staff; attends educational programs; maintains BCLS and ACLS. Performs other duties as assigned.
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